The ark pufferfish mod

This mod was made by me back in late 2015 and finished in early 2016. It was part of the Ark modding contest. There was no tutorials on how to create creatures for ark at the time so I had to figure it all out my self.

It was my first introduction to 3D modeling and the Unreal engine. It's very rough around the edges but i'm proud of my self for actually learning unreal and Maya just to add a pufferfish to a game.

In the game the pufferfish can be tamed and "ridden" I say ridden in quotation marks since you sort of haWng off the bottom. Unfortunately I never managed to code puffing up. At the time I didn't think it was possible since the dev kit specifies you can't edit any of it's code directly but it turns out I probably could have done.
I did however finish the pufferfish inflate animation though.

Some videos of the pufferfish are bellow


Showing the mod

There was also a more detailed version I made a few years later but I never added it to the game

Ark pufferfish