The Fuzzlings (concept)

This concept is big so it has it's own page

The Fuzzlings are a concept I came up with a very long time ago. I think they could make some great game characters. They have a very simple design and are easily recognizable in my opinion.

Currently I have made two prototype games with the fuzzlings.
The first one was the fuzzlings adventure and it was a 3D game made in unity. I Made it all the way back in (2017) It was my first ever unity project. It was made as a dare. I had the 2D image of a fuzzling and replaced it with a character in a tutorial we were using to learn the engine and one of my friends as a joke said you should make this into a 3D model. So I did.
The second one was a prototype called the 2D fuzzlings adventure. I made that game in two weeks at university in my second year (2020) as part of a rapid prototyping assignment. More can be found of them further down.

There are many diffrent types of fuzzling in concept but only one of them has ever been created in a game so far. This is that fuzzling. It's the basic fuzzling and the first one I ever drew.


Corruptling (corrupt basic fuzzling)


The origin of the Fuzzlings.

Fuzzlings are creatures from the planet fuzz they, crashed on earth because there tiny planet got sucked into the gravitational field.

Now they are trying to fight for survival. During there fight to survive some have evolved for certain reasons.

Fuzzlings have the appearance of a fuzzball with little fuzzly antenna coming off the creature with what appears to be a ball of fuzz on the end

However, some Fuzzlings have become corrupt it is currently unknown how this has happened but be careful

These corrupt Fuzzlings can be noticed by their stereotypical evil eyebrows and there fuzz balls are now devil horns.

They have also been nicknamed the corruptlings due to how they seem to be corrupt Fuzzlings.

Planet fuzz. This was made as part of a concept for one of my first year assignments in unity. I didn't get the best grade because it was supposed to be a advert for a game if I remember right but it looks cool.

Planet fuzz

Corrupt planet fuzz

There was also space ship concepts

and a 3D model of the corruptling. I was experimenting with adding some purple to their fur

Games I have used them in.

I also made a 2D one I made in my second year of university (2021)

2D fuzzling blink

Here is a video of me playing through the prototype

The images bellow are from the first unity game I ever made. I made it in college for my first year as a bet from one of my friends. Who said "You should make a 3D model of a fuzzling" So it's nothing special but worth putting a few images here at least (2016/2017)

Fuzzling image 1 Fuzzling image 2 Fuzzling image 3

The sub species of Fuzzlings



This is a evil variant of the hedgeling. The hedgeling is a fuzzling coved in leaves


Spikeling. The spikeling is a fuzzling coved in metal spikes


Theis is a evil variant of the spikeling.


climbling. The climbling is a fuzzling that has evolved to have hands for anteni.
Because of this it's great at climbing


Theis is a evil variant of the Climbling.


Swampling. The swampling is a fuzzling coved in vines. They live in swamps.


There is a evil variant of the Swampling.


Freezling. The freezling is a very cold fuzzling with icicles growing from it's ears.


This is a evil variant of the Freezling.


Shadowling. The shadowling is a gray fuzzling that hates the sun light.
They live in caves and occasionally come out at night.


This is a evil variant of the shadowling.


Volcanicling. The Volcanicling is a fuzzling that has lava inside of it.
Occasionally it will even erupt a bit of it.


This is a evil variant of the Volcanicling.


Arialings. Arialings are fuzzlings that live in the sky.


This is a evil variant of the Arialing.


Glimmerling. Glimmerlings are fuzzlings with light bulbs on the anteni.
They normally live in caves and come out at night.
Shadowlings get along with them since they produce a light that is different from the sun.


This is a evil variant of the Glimmerling.


special types of Fuzzling.

Fuzzon. The fuzzon is a fuzzling mixed with a dragon.


This is a evil variant of the Fuzzon.


The Fuzzerfish. The fuzzerfish is a pufferfish mixed with a fuzzling.


This is a evil variant of the Fuzzerfish.


Mysticlings are a very strange type of fuzzling. It's not evil or good.
Not much is known about this fuzzling. It's the only known fuzzling to not have a corrupt variant.


Over all I really like the concept of the fuzzlings. I have used them in multiple different college and uni projects.

I also made a game design document as part of one of my assignments in my second year (2) for a fuzzling game. Beware the design is the main focus here so the art looks awful

Click here for the game design document

Click here for the micro game design document

Click here for beat chart